Monday, November 08, 2004

Its raining.....raining.....raining........&......

Thats wat is happening in chennai for the last few weeks. This used to happen only in Mumbai.... seems like chennai got the rain (bug) too.

And with change of weather bring (especially during rain) with it sufficient dosages of .... running nose....sore throat....and worst of all F E V E R. Even I couldn't escape its clutches.

To make it worst the roads are all clogged with water (sewage and bloody stinks like hell). The roads in and around Mandevli and Mylapore (chennaites would know them better) test even the best of the drivers .......worst if you are in the bus (standing).....with your entire body doing all forms contortions (quite..... painful I should say).

Rain or no rain ......our classes will go on and on and on ...........morning to evening.......the next day............the day after...........

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