What impressed me was the after effects of this shocking revelation.....bcos there was hardly any. There were no scenes of marches being carried out, no riots.....looting and other forms of human animalistic behaviour. And even Vatican made no fuss about it. Though I can say that news like these hurts the very core of Christiandom.

Has Christianity as a religion suffered. Has it got weakend by this revelation? My answer to this is a firm NO. On the contrary it has grown stronger and has shown more maturity
There's a lot one can dislike about the West, but at the same time there's much more one can like about it. Conversely, there's such a lot one can love about India, and at the same time there's so much one can dislike about it.
Just imagine, if similar revelations about any Hindu deity was revealed, would we have accepted it calmly. Would fanatic groups like Bajarang Dal sit quietly. Surely not !
We were the first in terms of having a purely liberal religion. Temples in Khajuraho affirms to my point. Yet today we have let dogma take over and stultify everything.
Getting back to the Gospel…. What struck me the most as I watched the documentary was the language that was attributed to Jesus Christ:
'...You will sacrifice the man that clothes me...' Jesus is said to have told Judas. For us in India, this is a familiar language, and one can turn to our Vedas for this and so many of our mystics who deride that the physical body as an impediment after realising their self. This again points out to the fact that Jesus may have in some form come in contact with the eastern form of spirituality.
And again I will question the western historians why have they tended to IGNORE this fact, which seems very much plausible.
Which is the real tragedy.

A great post man !!! Post also on the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
Hi Shantanu,
Good stuff. Have you seen the hollywood movie Da Vinci Code?
Hi Shantanu,
Good stuff. Have you seen the hollywood movie Da Vinci Code?
Hello Shantanu and all,
Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing leads to blindness...
There is a way to verify the truth...
Why would the Creator of all knowledge and wisdom want people to remain ignorant through faith and belief? Isn't it more likely "the faithful" have been lied to by people who didn't what them to understand their lies? Read 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and contemplate why it is in the New Testament. Could people who understood the truth back then tried to warn others in subtle ways?
There's a bit more to the story of the Vatican's reaction than most are yet aware of. Read my missive below to understand what they truly fear. It's not the DaVinci Code or Gospel of Judas per se, but the fact that people have been motivated to seek out the unequivocal truth about an age of deception, exactly when they expect me to appear. The Gospel of Judas and DaVinci Code controversies are allowing people to take new stock of the Vatican/Papacy and the religions Rome spawned.
Remember, "I come as a thief..." ?
Yes, the DaVinci Code novel is better than the movie. Both are no more accurate as a literal version of history than is the New Testament. In other words, none of them is the literal truth, which is a key fact of the story and ancient history. The primary sub-plot is about purposeful symbology being used to encode hidden meanings, exactly like the Bible and related texts. Arguing about whether the DaVinci Code, Gospel of Judas, or the Bible are accurate history is a Machiavellian red herring designed to hide the truth by misdirecting your inquiry away from the heart of the matter.
Want to truly understand why we can't let the Vatican succeed at telling us what to think about ancient history? There is a foolproof way to verify the truth and expose centuries-old religious deceptions. It is also the common thread connecting why the ancient Hebrews, Yahad/Essene, Jews, Gnostics, Cathars, Templars, Dead Sea Scrolls, DaVinci Code, and others have all been targets of Rome’s ire and evil machinations. What the Vatican and its secret society cohorts don’t want you to understand is that the ancient Hebrew symbology in all of these texts purposely encodes and exposes the truth about them. Furthermore, the structure of ancient symbology verifiably encodes the rules to decode messages built with it. This is what they most fear you will discover.
If the Bible represented the literal truth or even accurate history, there would be no need for faith in the assertions of deceptive and duplicitous clergy and their ilk. Wisdom and faith are opposing concepts, because wisdom requires the unequivocal truth where faith obfuscates and opposes it. Religion is therefore the enemy of truth and wisdom.
It is undeniable the New Testament is framed by ancient Hebrew symbolism and allegory. The same is evidenced in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic texts, biblical apocrypha, DaVinci Code, and other related texts. All ancient religious, mystical, and wisdom texts have been shrouded in mystery for millennia for one primary reason: The ability to understand their widely evidenced symbology was lost in antiquity. How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries? To recast an often-used political adage: It’s [the] symbology, stupid!
It is amazing the Vatican still tries to insist the Gospels are literal truth. It is beyond obvious they are replete with ancient Hebrew symbology. Every miracle purported for Jesus has multiple direct symbolic parallels in the Old Testament, Apocalypse, Dead Sea Scrolls, and other symbolic narratives and traditions. This is the secret held by the ancient Gnostics, Templars, and Cathars, which is presented with dramatic effect in the DaVinci Code. None of these narratives or stories were ever intended as the literal truth. That is a key fact to unraveling ages-old mysteries.
Likewise, the following Washington Post article (The Book of Bart) describes how many changes and embellishments were made to New Testament texts over the centuries, unequivocally demonstrating they are not original, infallible, or truthful. None of the European names and images in the New Testament can possibly be the truth. It’s beyond obvious that the New Testament is not complete or even accurate history.
It's no wonder the Vatican fears the truth more than anything else. Seek to understand the symbolic significance of my name (Seven Star Hand) and you will have proof beyond disproof that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have long been duped by the great deceivers I warned humanity about over the millennia. What then is the purpose of "faith" but to keep good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?
Now comes justice, hot on its heels... (symbolism...)
Not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk...
Here is Wisdom!!
Revelations from the Apocalypse
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