To my parents and sis who were the first one to wish me (dot at 12:00). As always loving and supporting me.
To my friends in Chennai Shwetha, Parvadha, Nalini, Sudha, Sriram (thanks for the tip on good life and good WIFE !!!) .....Ajai..... my friend in Mumbai ......thank you all for wishing me....each one of you have contributed in your own way in making this day so special ... Its overwhelming to know that you are still important in the eyes of some people.
Today, while cleaning my room (finally,....did it after.......ummnnn...... dont remmember).
coming back......when I was cleaning my room....... I came across some pictures (very old........atleast it looked old to me). I uploaded some of them here.....

The day I turned 5 yrs old ... me on the left........ with my cousin brother.

With my grandmother
Hey ..u looked so cute when u were a kid..wat happened to u now..?? lol ;-) Hope u enjoyed ur Birthday...Cant believe ur 23..We were just 18 college.. sitting & trying to figure out "things"..Also checking out Alisha..Mehernaaz..!! & look at u now..Gosh u have grown old..Thankfully am not yet 23..Atleast for some more time..!! ;-)Hope to see u soon buddy...Miss those days...Take care
why the hell did u turn 23????????????
any way enjoy mannnnnnnnnnn
Wow!!!! u look so cute in those pic.
Hey I am so sorry I didnt wish u.
So here's wishing u the very bset in life.
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