Wat is life coming too....or is it that people are ready to go to any extent just to grab a few .......foreheads.....
I got this info from one of my friend..... and this is the bizarrest stuff I ever heard......
Pratik Patel has put up a part of his body - theforehead - as ad space on an Internet auction site. Sold on the idea of the human billboard?
Well,21-year-old Pratik Patel, is convinced that he willfind takers on the auction website on which he hasbecome the first Indian to auction a body part as adspace. Yes, this computer management student from Punedoesn't deny being inspired by "fellow advertisers" onthat particular auction website. "I was rather surprised by the overwhelming responsethat Andrew Fischer got. He sold his forehead as spacefor advertising and got $37,375. When he can earn somuch through his forehead, why can't I?"
And what of other body-part auctioneers like AngelBrammer of Scotland, who sold her bust as ad space;and the pregnant Elise Harp of Georgia, who auctionedher protruding tummy as ad space? "Well, if I had whatthey have, I would do it too!" he saysFor those interested in buying Pratik's forehead as adspace for 30 days, bids start at Rs 1 lakh. "Listingis free of cost. However, the transaction fee of 5% onthe final value is what the advertiser has to give theportal," informs Deepa, corporate communicationsmanager of the website, "The rest is all his."
Money, however, is not his only criterion, insistsPratik. "Money apart, I also want to be famous. Thisattempt to auction my forehead is a stepping stone tothe UK, where I intend to pursue higher studies. Ofcourse, the more I am paid for my forehead, the betterwill be the quality of my education, the life of myparents and friends, and the life of tsunami victimsas I want to make a donation too. I also plan to buy alaptop." If Pratik has already planned how to spend what heearns, it's because he's confident the concept of bodyparts as ad space will work in India. "Why not? It's a unique concept. It's a matter oftime.
The moment this becomes a trend here, there willbe no looking back." Adds Deepa: "If corporates come forward to plant theirlogos on someone's forehead, it won't be long beforethe trend spreads like wildfire. As far as body partsgo, being an Indian portal, ad spaces will always haveto cater to community viewing." Pratik, in turn, is game for everything. "Put any logothat you want on my forehead as long as the money isbig."
Did we hear a bid out there?.....