One of the best books on spirituality I have ever read till date. What I like about this book is the that the author adopts a no-nonsense attitude right from the beginning. He doesnot merely believe in words or is overawed by the acts of wonder workers (miracle men).
Born in the year 1898, in the land of the queen, the author was greatly interested in the art of yoga & meditation. Infact it can be said that PB introduced this art to the west after having himself mastered it in India.
PB travelled extensively to the east (which doesnot necessarily correspond to India), went to Egypt, Japan among other countries. During his journey, PB came across various spiritual person, Mstics and Saints.
Some were fake.......some were genuine. The account of his meetings with various wonder workers in India to read.
While going through the book.......PB's feeling of restlessness comes to the fore. It is as if he is in search of something.....something he knows exist........yet he cannot find it. It is his restlessness that brings him in contact with some of the finest spiritual masters during that time. Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Shankaracaharya, Meher Baba to name a few.......
His search ends in Arunachala at the Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharishi..........
And as the author puts in.....
"the sky is strewn with stars, which clusters in countless thousands.....close over our heads. The rising moon is a thin crescent disc of silver light. On our left the evening fireflies are making the compound grove radiant and above them the plummed heads of tall palm trees stands out in black silhoutte against the sky
My adventure in"